The captions below the pictures are Mr. Bosma's descriptions.
I think this panel with the butcher is my favorite illustration. A lot of storytelling happening in this scene.
Jack, halfway up the beanstalk, stops for a sandwich.

He apparently rewrote the story for himself as part of nailing down the concept before laying out the illustrations for a book. Though he doesn't say this in his blog, his version seems to have a South American feel, even with the viking-like headdress of the giant's wife.

You can find all his work in progress posts on this project and see large and lovely versions of the final pieces at his blog HERE. I only wish he'd posted his story too. I have to say I'm intrigued by this version.
Much of his work has an air of a folktales or calls to mind urban legends of various kinds (giants and other creatures abound). The black and white illustrations for the Lovecraft story "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" are wonderfully moody and tell the story all by themselves. I recommend checking out the artist's website and online portfolio HERE.